that afternoon, and asked me if I would like a ride. I just shook my head and he drove on.

Since those days, I have become larger and older and I don't think I could femme-pass in public. I now do all my dressing in motel rooms, as I travel. I would love to meet and correspond with other FP's in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Earlene 5-G-15

Dear Virginia,

Please send me a Pi Epsilon Sorority. and # 13, # 14 so far each one.

copy of your pamphlet on the Phi I have received Transvestia #12, and have greatly enjoyed reading

I have a TV for quite a few years; however I have always suffered a guilt complex. Your publications are helping me to understand why I am the way I am, and the guilt complex is fast disappearing.

I greatly admire what you have been doing and certainly hope you can keep up the wonderful work. I will be glad to help anyone I can. I will be retiring from the Air Force in another year or two and at that time, I will be in a better position to assist, but in the interim I will do what I can. Primarily what I mean by assisting is in reference to Sorority work. I would also like to contribute to Transvestia, however, I don't know just what you would be interested in from Maybe your readers would be interested in an article written by a TV who has been a devoted Air Fo- rce Career man for over 20 years. During most of this period, I have been an active T V. Actually the only problem I've had, has been the objections of my wife.


Incidently, I recently sent her a pamplet that you wrote and sent to me at my request. My wife's com- ment was that she had read it and hopes that we can work something out when I return from overseas. This is encouraging, because our marriage was close to be- ing on the rocks just prior to my departure.
